Looking for Dog Training in Norfolk that is near you ?
Our Ashill Training Centre caters for all our dog training clients in the Breckland and Surrounding areas
We offer you fantastic environment in which to train and socialise your puppy with like minded puppy owners, helping you develop you all the skills you need to train a more obedient and socially acceptable dog as it matures.
Our adult dog and puppy training classes cover everything you need for a well mannered pet dog, including:-
- Sits
- Downs
- Loose lead Walking
- Food Manners
- Door Manners
- Recall
- Health and Well Being
- Socialisation
- Travel
- Laws affecting dog ownership
- And much more besides.
All in a friendly, safe and secure environment in Ashill, Norfolk. IP25 7DB
If you wish to book a place or find out more email
Please note
- We do not allow off lead socialisation, all socialisation is done in a controlled environment to ensure you as the handler of the dog remains the focus of your dogs attention.
- We do do not train puppies with food
- We do not allow ANY harsh handling